API Test Page - MBATube

School example

Please select first a school below the filter on the right side

Api call
Select school first

Api information
This api call provides the information of two profiled video’s of just one school. The school- id is part of the request in this api.

A school can set two video’s as profiled video’s. If this is not the case for a channel, the information of the two newest video’s is being provided.

Video's by School Profiles

Please select first a school below the filter on the right side

Api call

Api information
This api call provides the information of a set of video’s of multiple schools, based on one or more school-id’s in combination with tags.

Tags are filters used to search video’s based on the profile information of schools and institutes. The tags set in this api call do filter video’s based on the profile information of schools. This is a set of ‘Schoolname’, “Country’, ‘Language’, ‘Category & Subcategory’ and tags. For example video’s from schools in Europe, or even more detailed video’s of schools in Spain.

If no school-id is being set, all schools are being part of the search filter. This api call has the flexibility to give random video’s, but also the newest or highest rated video’s. Just set the sorting in the api call.

This call gives the information of a maximum of 5 video’s in return.

Video's by tags

Please select first a school below the filter on the right side

Api call

Api information
This api call provides the information of a set of video’s of multiple schools, based on one or more school-id’s in combination with tags.

Tags can be interests or specialization or just tags that can be set by the website (channel) in their own purpose of showing video’s. For example if their is a page about ‘Law & Finance’ and you want to show 4 video’s, just add this filter as tags separated by , (comma).

If no school-id is being set, all schools are being part of the search filter. This api call has the flexibility to give random video’s, but also the newest or highest rated video’s. Just set the sorting in the api call.

This call gives the information of a maximum of 5 video’s in return.

User Dashboard

Please select first a school below the filter on the right side

Api call

Api information
This api call provides the information of a set of video’s of all schools based on one or more tags.

Tags can be interests or specialization or just tags that can be set by the website (channel) in their own purpose of showing video’s. The search simulates the Browse function in the original website.

This api call has the flexibility to give random video’s, but also the newest or highest rated video’s. Just set the sorting in the api call.

This call gives the information of a maximum of 5 video’s in return. (In the example it is set to 3 video’s).

Personal feed

Please select first a school below the filter on the right side

Api call

Api information
This api call provides the information of a set of max of 50 video’s to be used in the feed of a students page.

The video’s are provides based on tags. The tags can be set in the students page by for example interest, specializations or another way to provide possible tags to do a search in the video database. Tags must be separated by , (comma).

School-id’s are not part of this api call. So all schools are always part of the search filter.

This api call has the flexibility to give random video’s, but also the newest or highest rated video’s. Just set the sorting in the api call.

This call gives the information of a maximum of 50 video’s in return. In this example you can alter the number of video’s based on tags. If no tags are provided a set of 50 random video’s are sent in return.

Styling of information / video's

MBATUBE.com only provides video information requested by the API. Partners will be responsible for the styling of video content and information displays on their own websites.

The MBATUBE.com logo must be clearly displayed wherever this API is implemented on partner website. The information shown is owned by MBATUBE.com and should therefore be clearly branded whenever used. The terms of use will be claerly specified in the API partner contract. Every video section must also include an MBATUBE.com button with click-through to either mbatube.com or a deeplink to the school profile (using the school slug)
Styling instructions
Partner websites making use of the MBATUBE.com API may apply its own styling to match their own branding as long as all content/sections are clearly labeled as MBATUBE.com content. Alternative play buttons, fonts and colors may be used. All videos must be accompanied by a video image, play button, title and school name. Video descriptions may also be included in the video displays. The click-through buttons 'View more videos on MBATUBE' may not be changed.

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